Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Bryan + College Station Library System, a nonprofit organization founded in 1955 to promote the Public Library, encourages all citizens to use the many and varied services offered by the system.

Friends' programs heighten community awareness of the library's resources. Friends' gifts enrich the library's collections. Friends' development efforts build long-term library support.

The Friends Board meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. The Friends Board does not meet in December, June, July, or August. For access to our next meeting, please call the library administrative assistant at 979-209-5614.

Future Meeting Dates:

February 11, 2025

March 11, 2025

April 8, 2025

May 13, 2025


About Us

Board Meetings

How can I donate books?

Bring gently used books to Mounce or Ringer Library. If you have several boxes, please call ahead.Thank you for donating!

What do the Friends of the Library actually do? Our most glorious roles are sounding board, good friend, and program incubator. Our least glorious roles are book sorting and box carrying. The middle ground includes funding reading programs, grant-writing, social media, computer classes, capital improvements, staff appreciation, and many other activities.

What programs do you fund? Reading programs are a major, ongoing priority. In past years, the Friends have provided substantial projects for the Mounce, Ringer, and Carnegie libraries, including web resources such as One Click, TexShare, Ancestry, Overdrive and NewsBank (the Eagle). The Friends provided over $40,000 towards the expansion of the Ringer Library.

What value do I receive as a member?

In addition to being the heroic benefactor to nearly half a million patrons, members get a few perks like first entrance to book sales, a newsletter, and notification of special events.

Are my membership fees and/or donations tax deductible? Yes!

How can I make a donation?

Thank you for considering a donation! You can click the "Donate" button located at the top of the page to pay by debit/credit card or PayPal. No credit card? No problem! You can mail a check, payable to Friends of the Library, to: 

Friends of the Library

P.O. Box 3184

Bryan, TX 77805


President: Susan "Summer" Adams

President Elect/VP: Sharron Rosedahl

Secretary: Charles Kenerley

Treasurer: Denise Parker

Past President: Debra Sappington

Library System Director: Beatrice Saba

Alison Battenhorst

Nancy Black

David and Joyce Gent

Totten Looney

Sandy Lovering

Mila Mogilevsky

Donna Pohl

Sandy Pompelli

Elizabeth Pool

Michelle Ramotoski

Sharron Rosedahl

Bill Salin

Martha Seate

Kate Thomas

Gunnar Griggs-Bell, Bush School Intern

Emma Thomas, Bush School Intern

Officers and Board Members